Wednesday, June 06, 2007

O'Reilly Questions McCain On Immigration Reform

About a week ago now, John McCain appeared on Bill O'Rilley's Factor show. During the appearance, O'Reilly pressed McCain with questions about U.S. Immigration reform legislation.
I read this little piece on the affair at the NewsCloud web page. I thought I might make a point or two, which I haven't seen mention made of anywhere else.

O'Reilly then asked McCain, "Do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far left want? They want to break down the white Christian male power structure of which you are part, and so am I." O'Reilly went on to insist, "You've got to cap [the number of immigrants.]" "We do, we do. I agree with you" said McCain.

I agree with O'Reilly, America needs, and desperately, to get control of immagration. This is clearly a matter of national security first and foremost, laying aside all cultural, social and political ramifications. We have no idea who is crossing our borders.

Remember our JFK friends who planned to blow up the airport? They were from the Caribbeans. "One, named Abdul Kadir, was until recently a member of the Parliament in Guyana. Kadir was arrested Friday as he was boarding a flight from Trinidad to Venezuela, where he planned to pick up a travel visa to attend an Islamic religious conference in Iran."

The point is that Islamic terrorists use all points outside the U.S. to conduct their nefarious business. We can't think make the mistake of thinking they aren't close. They operate in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. In the 1960's American's freaked out when Communism crossed into the Western hemisphere, settling nicely in nations like Cuba. Communists and Tyrants operating in the Americas still freaks us out. But, not Islamic terrorists? We need to be aware that our porous borders make it much easier for terrorists groups, of any stripe, to infiltrate our country with human personnel, and/or other materials and resources- dirty bombs, chemicals, and other frightening possibilities.

O'Reilly misses the mark in referencing a white, Christian, male power base. That little bubble has already burst. The glass ceiling is in a death throes. Women and minorities have arrived people. The very real, very pragmatic American notion of hard work and determination make it possible for anyone to realize their goals. Few will be surprised, or even offended, on that day, and it is coming, when America elects it first, female, black, Hispanic, or Asian president. Only, the ignorant, unenlightened, and truly biased in this country will take umbrage.

What O'Reilly doesn't seem to get is that the real problem is with the schism in this country between the conservative right and the liberal left. If the complexion of American politics were to change this is where the shift will be. Could millions of immigrants, newly naturalized and granted citizenship, wipe out the political/cultural right in this country. Possible, but not likely, in my opinion. America is simply too large, and too diverse. The healthy give and take between this country's right and left seems poised for continuation.

O'Reilly's heart is in the right place, but we Americans have larger issues to worry about. Yes, feather in a certain number of Mexican immigrants. But by all means stop this cyclic wave of pardons. We must control our borders and set clear, reasonable limits on immigration into this country. Other larger issues we need to face have to do with energy, terrorism, constitutional issues, education, and social ills.

How does all this fair for John McCain? I think it neither helps nor hinders the man. I admire Mr. McCain tremendously. We could do worse as far as leaders go. I simply don't happen to think he has too much chance of winning the White House in the first place.

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