North Korea: Hey, the cold war is supposed to be over.
We Americans are basically a good hearted people. If there is disaster on this planet you know the US is going to be there with aid and assistance. Americans are also a peace-loving nation. We don't want war on our own soil, and many of us don't want the US involved in any fighting anywhere on the globe. The cold war is over we tell ourselves. What's to fear?
Well, today boys and girls, VeryTerry wants to mull that idea over a bit in light of North Korea's "dear leader," Kim Jong Il, who it seems, to coin a cliche here, Didn't Get the MEMO!!!
Hey, you over there, North Korea... the Cold War is supposed to be over dudes...
Simply lumping North Korea in with nations like Iran and groups like Al-qaeda is incorrect. The ideologies are worlds apart. However, I am sure North Korea's Kim Jong-Il would be more than happy to supply the jihadists' with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons components. Why not? Kim Jong makes some "cashito" for the "revolution", whilst sticking it to the "American Imperialists" at the same time. In North Korea, Kim Jong, well, he is God, so to speak. The current conflict we face with North Korea has actually been ongoing conflict since 1950. It is the old fashioned conflict between Western Style Democracy and Communism. Many American's may not realize this, being either too young to know, or simply too self-absorbed to care. Now the jihadist, they are totally different. They have a cultural chip on their shoulder that dates back centuries. The coals of conflict lay dormant until the Al-qaeda and similar Muslim radicals have come along and whipped the flames of biggotry and intolerance anew again. See? the ideaologies are worlds apart... right.
One difference between these threats to America's way of life is the degree to which these ideologies are influencing the world itself. North Korea, and China are the dying gasp of communism- and, at least we can dialog with the Chinese.
So the threat posed by North Korea is real and its great, but North Korea is already crumbling from within. Unfortunately the conflict with Muslim extremists is just getting revved up and coming into a swell of anti-Western/Judeau sentiment that may linger much longer on the global scene.
Today, let's focus on North Korea. Kim Jong's hatred of the United States is very real. He also buys into the whole Communist thing. It obviously doesn't seem to be working. The nation is in internal chaos. Some here in the west believe that given time, 10 to 15 years or so, North Korea will implode on itself. Kim Jong talks of a glorious Korean unification. He blames the Korean DMZ on the US, of course. Always, in Kim Jong's rhetoric America is the evil imperialist. Kim Jong talks to his nation's people about a great Korean reunification. Make no mistake though, when Kim Jong talks reunification he absolutely means, reunification on his terms. The result would be disastrous. We too would like to see a unified Korea, a democratic Korea, though.
A North Korea armed with intercontinental ballistic missile's, which could deliver nuclear, chemical, or biological warheads is not a best case scenerio. Evidently, Kim Jong is already attempting capatilize on this threat. Just imagine what a pain in the a** the "dear leader" would become if he actually gains control of such resources. In plain speak, the man would be "insufferable." He would also then have some very real leverage on the global community. Think of the constant intimidation from a nuclear North Korea. Moreover, Kim Jong might actually use such weapons. Who can say? The Japanese probably would not be suprised if he were to.
A nuclear North Korea is simply an unacceptable conclusion. We should remember this date, June 25, 1950. That's the day North Korea invaded and attempted to conquer the democratic South Korea. Now, fifty-six years later, Kim Jong rattles the sabre. The timing here is no coincidence. With the launch of the new Taepo-Dong 2 missle test being an imminent reality, maybe our military should blow the thing up before it ever leaves the ground. While they're at it they could take out a good portion of his overall nuclear capabilities with an air sortie or two. I don't believe Kim Jong would be able to do very much about it if we did. Remember, we want Kim Jong and his sons no longer to be holding North Korea in bondage. Instead of dealing diplomatically with Kim Jong let's do everything we can to destroy his regime. Consider this, when Germany reunified it wasn't under a Communist dictatorship. China and South Korea are developing a closer relation. Imagine if North Korea fell and the South Koreans fill the leadership vacum. Immediately North Korea could start on a much needed road to humanitarian recovery. Would China be happy? Probably not- but, they could make a new alligence with a democratic, united Korea based on trade, and mutual interest. If we did some strategic strikes aimed at limiting North Korea's military capacity would it lead to a war with China? I don't think so.
Kim Jong Il loves to talk tough and thump his chest. Maybe its a good time for limited strikes. A Kim Jong Il with a less military reach is a weaker Kim Jong Il. Perhaps then offers of aid and assistance for his country might be a bit more appreciated. Kim Jong would do well to think back at how quickly the tide turned for
Sadaam Hussein. However you feel about what's now going on in Iraq, one thing is certain, Sadaam Hussein is no longer in power. One thing Kim Jong Il likes is his power and control, it might be good for us to give him a reminder about how easily power can be plucked away. The US needs to stand firm on North Korea.
Related Links
Kim Jong "License to Il"
US Tests Missile Defense Amid North Korea Tension
1998 Strategic Assessment: Engaging Power for Peace
Country profile: North Korea
OMF Prayer Mission: North Korea
Well, today boys and girls, VeryTerry wants to mull that idea over a bit in light of North Korea's "dear leader," Kim Jong Il, who it seems, to coin a cliche here, Didn't Get the MEMO!!!
Hey, you over there, North Korea... the Cold War is supposed to be over dudes...
Simply lumping North Korea in with nations like Iran and groups like Al-qaeda is incorrect. The ideologies are worlds apart. However, I am sure North Korea's Kim Jong-Il would be more than happy to supply the jihadists' with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons components. Why not? Kim Jong makes some "cashito" for the "revolution", whilst sticking it to the "American Imperialists" at the same time. In North Korea, Kim Jong, well, he is God, so to speak. The current conflict we face with North Korea has actually been ongoing conflict since 1950. It is the old fashioned conflict between Western Style Democracy and Communism. Many American's may not realize this, being either too young to know, or simply too self-absorbed to care. Now the jihadist, they are totally different. They have a cultural chip on their shoulder that dates back centuries. The coals of conflict lay dormant until the Al-qaeda and similar Muslim radicals have come along and whipped the flames of biggotry and intolerance anew again. See? the ideaologies are worlds apart... right.
One difference between these threats to America's way of life is the degree to which these ideologies are influencing the world itself. North Korea, and China are the dying gasp of communism- and, at least we can dialog with the Chinese.
So the threat posed by North Korea is real and its great, but North Korea is already crumbling from within. Unfortunately the conflict with Muslim extremists is just getting revved up and coming into a swell of anti-Western/Judeau sentiment that may linger much longer on the global scene.
Today, let's focus on North Korea. Kim Jong's hatred of the United States is very real. He also buys into the whole Communist thing. It obviously doesn't seem to be working. The nation is in internal chaos. Some here in the west believe that given time, 10 to 15 years or so, North Korea will implode on itself. Kim Jong talks of a glorious Korean unification. He blames the Korean DMZ on the US, of course. Always, in Kim Jong's rhetoric America is the evil imperialist. Kim Jong talks to his nation's people about a great Korean reunification. Make no mistake though, when Kim Jong talks reunification he absolutely means, reunification on his terms. The result would be disastrous. We too would like to see a unified Korea, a democratic Korea, though.
A North Korea armed with intercontinental ballistic missile's, which could deliver nuclear, chemical, or biological warheads is not a best case scenerio. Evidently, Kim Jong is already attempting capatilize on this threat. Just imagine what a pain in the a** the "dear leader" would become if he actually gains control of such resources. In plain speak, the man would be "insufferable." He would also then have some very real leverage on the global community. Think of the constant intimidation from a nuclear North Korea. Moreover, Kim Jong might actually use such weapons. Who can say? The Japanese probably would not be suprised if he were to.
A nuclear North Korea is simply an unacceptable conclusion. We should remember this date, June 25, 1950. That's the day North Korea invaded and attempted to conquer the democratic South Korea. Now, fifty-six years later, Kim Jong rattles the sabre. The timing here is no coincidence. With the launch of the new Taepo-Dong 2 missle test being an imminent reality, maybe our military should blow the thing up before it ever leaves the ground. While they're at it they could take out a good portion of his overall nuclear capabilities with an air sortie or two. I don't believe Kim Jong would be able to do very much about it if we did. Remember, we want Kim Jong and his sons no longer to be holding North Korea in bondage. Instead of dealing diplomatically with Kim Jong let's do everything we can to destroy his regime. Consider this, when Germany reunified it wasn't under a Communist dictatorship. China and South Korea are developing a closer relation. Imagine if North Korea fell and the South Koreans fill the leadership vacum. Immediately North Korea could start on a much needed road to humanitarian recovery. Would China be happy? Probably not- but, they could make a new alligence with a democratic, united Korea based on trade, and mutual interest. If we did some strategic strikes aimed at limiting North Korea's military capacity would it lead to a war with China? I don't think so.
Kim Jong Il loves to talk tough and thump his chest. Maybe its a good time for limited strikes. A Kim Jong Il with a less military reach is a weaker Kim Jong Il. Perhaps then offers of aid and assistance for his country might be a bit more appreciated. Kim Jong would do well to think back at how quickly the tide turned for
Sadaam Hussein. However you feel about what's now going on in Iraq, one thing is certain, Sadaam Hussein is no longer in power. One thing Kim Jong Il likes is his power and control, it might be good for us to give him a reminder about how easily power can be plucked away. The US needs to stand firm on North Korea.
Related Links
Kim Jong "License to Il"
US Tests Missile Defense Amid North Korea Tension
1998 Strategic Assessment: Engaging Power for Peace
Country profile: North Korea
OMF Prayer Mission: North Korea
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