Friday, September 02, 2005

Profiling Goes High Tech

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High Tech Surveillance is in the R&D Pipeline.

It has been right at a month gone by since I posted on Racial Profiling. At that time the issue was topical. In the heat of the moment it even actually seemed important. If you recall, this was following the aftermath of the London bus and tube bomings. Then, my initial idea was to do the article on terrorist profiling. After studying up on the subject, I changed my idea and decided to first post about an already existing profiling issue here in the United States. I posted about the profiling phenomina referred to as DWB.

I had intended to follow up, making this post about the controvery regarding terrorist profiling. The idea was to examine wrether stopping people randomly on New York subway platforms, for bag searches was actually an effective practice or if it was only a manifestation of political correctness. I suspect the later by the way.

What a difference a month makes. Gasoline prices have skyrocketed. Hurricane Katrina plows into the Gulf states. Our porous and chaotic boarders are still so. Suddenly, profiling for terrorists on NYC subway platforms seems like a non-issue.

In addition, VeryTerry has been ultra busy moving through the obsticle course that is his own life these past four weeks. When I started intericeage4, I had the idea of giving people my own thoughts about the most current issues. Most times, I don't see my way of thinking very well reflected in mainstream media sources. I realize now that there is only so much of me and only so much I can get around to doing. Over the coming weeks I am going to seriously ponder the direction I want this post to take. Bear with me.

On the issue of terrorist profiling, I can tell you there are many worthy sites out there already published and ready for review. Why should VeryTerry reinvent the wheel? Essentially what I discovered and now believe about the issue is that in the next few years, the screening technology in airports, terminals, ports, city streets, and for commuications and mailing will be so technologically sophisticated, the idea of profiling muslems, blacks, whites or any ethnic group will become totally not necessary. So terrorist profiling will be reality. It will simply become so sublime we won't even realize it is taking place. Later.

This should get you moving it you really wan't to pursue the issue--

How Technology Will Defeat Terrorism


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