Wednesday, July 20, 2005

F***ing USA? America, wake up!

***Be Advised, if you click on the link provided you will be exposed to the F*** word!!!***
The Link to provided here is Not for Children.

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War On Terror

Oh my, last night whilst doin' a bit of channel surfing on the television I came across a program on the History Channel that caught my attention. The program, which is in rotation on the History Channel line up just now, is called "History Now: Iraq War: Battling the Insurgents". Scheduled for viewing again on Thursday, July 28, at 11:00 pm, eastern time.

I admit, I only caught a bit of the show. From what I viewed, the show reconstructed real battle scenerio's that took place during the Battle for Fullujah. Apparently, the American troops moved across the city, street by street, and block by block, engaging insurgents. The fighting was urban. The fighting was intense. This was eye-opening stuff. I had not a clue such had happened. The media coverage of Iraq in the US is so all pervasive it blurs for me. I realize I'm not always paying attention.

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The Ukuleleman

Well, I know lots of people who feel the war in Iraq is totally unjustified, and that we shouldn't even be there. Bush as warmonger, and all that. Hey, let's not forget that life in Iraq was not at all days of wine and roses before we ousted Mr. Sadaam. My feeling is that the military action is justified in that Iraq has served as a terrorist "lightning rod". We are keeping the fighting on foriegn soil. Good. I personally don't want to see more attacks on American soil. Remember 911?
Further, as Iraq moves toward something more like a democracy and less like a dictatorship, we are creating a positive alternative to tyranny and extremeism in the middle East region. Good.
Those who resort to terror tactics in order to derail this progress obviously do not want this to occur. It would mess up their own plan for tyrannical power in the region and elsewhere, right?

Now this morning, I got online and I googled the term "anti American" just to see what I would find out there in cyberland. Not suprisingly, I found hundreds of thousands of sites. What was a bit suprising was just how vitriolic and irrational most of these actually were.
Case in point, on one of the first web sites I checked out I found this little video gem titled "F***ing USA".***ing USA

This video was apparently produced in North Korea. It was later picked up and aired on a Japanese television station. Again, Be prepared for repeated usage of the "f" word here. This ain't for kids, folks. As an added bonus, you can check out another video here titled "Private English Lesson". You can watch a hip, attractive Japanese girl as she thoughtlessly spouts out the great "anti-Bush" sentiment. How clever and cute is this?

Let's get it straight here. There are terrorist organiztions and entire nations who are willing to utilize propaganda, terror, chemical, biological, nuclear weapons, and even outright war in order to destroy America. So all you hip, peace-loving American individuals out there living in your wonderful little "1960's happy dream" mentality be aware that the freedom of dissent you so prouldly enjoy depends on the very survival of our nation. Period. If we loose this nation, say good-bye to your constitutional rights, all of 'em. If the terrorist's, god forbid, were to prevail plan on saying good-bye to your basic human rights as well, and hello to "allah". You must realize that those who would love to see the demise of America love you. You make their job so, so much easier.

Let's get real. VeryTery doesn't believe that Mr. G.W. Bush "hung the moon". There is much I would take our president to task on. Why are you not securing our porous borders? What about security surrounding our ports? and other vital systems such as mass transit, or computer and energy grids? Why don't you rethink American educational practices and policies? Believe me, I could go on. Nor is VeryTerry a warmonger.

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The Christian Flag

I do believe that the terrorists' brought this war to us. We would be less than sane as a nation if we fail to aggressively utilize both defensive and (yes, I'm going to say it) offensive military and national security options. Ultimately, I realize that as American's we do need to improve the way many in the world see us in such negative terms. They see America as too powerful, too rich, too selfish, too greedy, too insensitive, and too immoral. Hey, let's be honest. In many ways we probably are. Yet, America is also caring and charitable. How easily the rest of the world seems to ignore America's many, many positive attributes. As American's we need to reexamine and reassert our most basic moral and ethical principles. As we alreay know, winning a war is much easier than winning people's hearts and minds. We must go about finding ways to improve the way the rest of the world perceives us, yet we must not forget that you're never going to be able to sit around a campfire, sharing smores with terrorists' and for one second believe you are going to be able to reason with them.

Finally, all of you who also proudly flaunt your disbelief in God, you might want to go find a Christian and say thank-you. VeryTerry personally believes that the main thing holding this poor, harsh world together is simple prayer. Why is it we Americans bend over backwards to demonstrate sensitivity to every other philosophy and religion on earth, and yet we find bashing Christianity good, healthy, and amusing sport?


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