Sunday, June 05, 2005

Everybody Wants Some, I Want Some, Too

The famous Astronomer, Fred Hoyle, is quoted as saying, "The current scenario of the orgin of life is about as likely as the assemblage of a 747 by a tornado whirling through a junkyard". I assume, he is referring to the popular notion that as a result of random chance, and a Big Bang, well, Here We Be.
Big Bang, or whateva, Hoyle elaquantly illustrates how beautifully, and infinitely, well designed the Universe really is. Well mabye VeryTerry, you ask, It was UFO's? Right. Sometimes we search so hard when the answer is right in front of us.

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When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian church he stated, "For it was in him that all things were created, in heaven and in earth, things seen and things unseen, wrether thrones, dominions, rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him and in and for Him"(Colossians 1:16). You see, God made this whole joint. All moving according to his greater design. Freewill, of course we have freewill. Now, for me, believing God reigns supreme makes more sense than any other option floating around out there. To believe is really no more, nieve or rediculous, than not believing. In other words, to practice atheism requires exactly as much faith as practicing Christianity. I know much about the development of atheistic philosophy. How many atheists, agnostics, New Agers, etc., know anything about Chirstianity? I have studied their beliefs, and you won't see me crying and whining. Many, many, non-Christians, who know nothing about it will not hesitate to put a believing Christian down. Well, Stick and stones...
I'm all for debate, not reactive emotionalism.

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The academician, Ravi Zacharias, astutely elaborates on what he calls,"Angusih in Affluence".Very simply, The developed world, with all it's scientific and technological marvels, doesn't fill the need people have for meaning. He notes that the empty angst of our time is accurately reflected in much of today's Popular music. This isn't a value judgement. The point is, the longing so many of us share in searching for a meaning to our lives.

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Atheism, is really a hopeless cause. If all life is random, and the only thing awaiting us is the grave, life becomes pointless. Satanism? Good luck. Or mabye you prefer relative ethics. Right, what a mess the world is in. True, not all religion is good religion. Sincerity even, is no guarenteer of truth. So, approach the possibility of Christianity as you would any subject. Study, Examine, Explore...
You may find out some interesting, useful, and healing realities. Don't generalize that Christianity is bad because Religion is bad. That's the lazy way around the subject. Seek and you will find. I have a great respect for Taoism and many Eastern lines of thought. I can appreciate Taoism, and learn from it. I can appreciate Science and Technology, and learn from it. Ultimately though, I find my greatest hope for meaning filled in God's Grace. Good luck on your Quest.


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