Non-Conforming Conformists
Oh the bitter, rediculous, yet strangly sweet irony of it all. The Non-Conforming Conformist. I've been visiting alot of websites lately. Not big sites like e-bay.
The little sites. Everyone has a site on the web these days. Even I have one. Your looking at it. Now I have seen some really fantastic personal web pages. I love it. The free space is there. People should take advantage. I am.
One thing that really freaks me out when I visit all these blogs and personal web pages is seeing that so, so, I mean sooooo many individuals describe themselves as "unique".Every one wants to feel as though they are special. To some degree, all human beings are unique. Each of us has been moulded and stamped by our life experiences. So, given this obvious realization, why do 4 out of 5 people in cyberspace have to go out of their way, with excruciating effort to convince everyone that they are different? And since when did proudly proclaiming, "I don't conform to Society" become such a badge of honor? Let's get real.
You don't conform to society? Really? Well then, I figure you must be Amish then, or mabye Ted Kaczynsky (aka the Unibomber). Now, there are some folk who Don't Conform to Society. You live in a tree? You graze for your substanance? You wear a loincloth and spend your days living in the deep tropical jungles? What do you mean you don't Conform to Society? What does that mean?
You're in college, or you went to school. You speak the language. You're on the computer. You get your food from the grocer. You buy your clothes at the store. You go to all the local Raves, and hang out at the local clubs. Get Real. Admit It. You Conform To Society. What's the big deal? It's not so dirty.
Oh you miss the point. I am so non-conformist.You just don't get it, you poor, stupid bumpkin. I am a wiccan.
I'm into NeoPaganism. I am niether a "blue" or "red" state political creature. I'm vegan. I hate the war machine. I listen to obscure bands. I wear black. I'm goth.
I am sooo into body-modification. Ecstasy is my drug of choice. I am counter-culture man. I am open. I am tolerant... And on and on. Well, that may be. Nonetheless, you are so not non-conformist. The preceeding diatribe describes just about everyone these days. Logically, if so many folk are into these very things then you are Conforming. So suck it up, get used to it. You are a conformist. There, I popped your warm and fuzzy bubble.
Ever consider what you may really be saying is, "Hey, look at me, I am so totally self-absorbed."Look, I don't want to get down on anybody. Thank God, It's a free country. Still, for now at least. Oh man, you said God. That's right, it's not a dirty word. The non-conformist types, who insist on making a point of letting all know how open they are, Are they really so open? You can handle gay-lesbian, illegial immagrints, and stop war. Can you handle the fact that there are millions of people in this country who don't live in your world. They have jobs. They are proud to conform. They might even be Christians. Oh no, he said Christian. Attack! You see, you want everyone to accept you. Can you except the rest of us?
Think about it...
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